Scanning Electron Microscopy
Instrument model: JEOL® IT-300
Description: 30 kV Tungsten/LaB6 Source SEM for SE/BSE imaging with EDS spectroscopy and Cathodoluminescence (SEM-CL) experiments.
Specifications and uses:
Tungsten/LaB6 source with variable accelerating voltage up to 30kV.
Load lock chamber for quick sample exchange and stage navigation system.
SE/BSE imaging with resolution up to 1 μm.
Cathodoluminescence (SEM-CL) detector for CL experiments to find impurities in samples.
EDAX® EDS detector for qualitative chemical analysis.

Electron Probe
Micro Analyser
Instrument model: JEOL® JXA-8230
Description: 30 kV Tungsten/LaB6 source EPMA with high resolution X-ray EDS/WDS analysis.
Specifications and Capabilities:
· Tungsten/LaB6 source with variable accelerating voltage up to 30kV
· SDD type EDS detector.
· Five Wavelength Dispersive spectrometers with 2 crystals per spectrometer and detectable wavelength for elements ranging from B to U
Quantitative analysis: Accurate quantification of chemical composition of any solid material at very small "spot" sizes (1-2 microns).
Qualitative analysis: EDS/WDS Spectrum-To find out the elements present.
BSE and SE Imaging: Phase Identification, Mineral Identification
X-Ray Mapping for elemental distribution: X-Ray mapping is useful to see the distribution of elements at the area of interest and segregation of impurities in metal samples.
Chemical dating: Monazite dating.

SEM and EPMA Facility (currently housed in Advanced Facility for Microscopy and Microanalysis)

Rigaku ZSX Primus IV – IISc Institute Facility
The Rigaku ZSX Primus IV is a tube-above, sequential wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometer designed for high-precision quantitative elemental analysis. It can detect elements from Beryllium (Be) to Uranium (U) across various sample types.